(via Unsplash)
I feel like I’m on a perpetual spring cleaning mission, regardless of the season. But during all other times of year, it’s usually centered around getting rid of clothes, expired skincare and junk under the sink. Because fall is simply a much deeper season to me, that’s when I really get to the thick of disposing that which no longer serves me.
I get rid of what I usually doesn’t come to mind. These are the most minor things that will in turn elevate me on a spiritual level. This pertains to what will lessen not only my literal load, but also my energetic. Whether you’re into that sort of thing or not, there’s no question that disposing of a few unexpected things are crucial to clearing energy during fall.
I strongly suggest following this up with a general tidying of your living space (hang your clothes, do your dishes, make your bed, sweep the floors and dump your trash) and cracking open a few windows. Once you’ve done all this, you can then break into a smudging ritual, which will complete the energy-clearing process.
Ready to lighten your load? Keep reading for three unexpected things to get rid of this season.

1. Songs You Always Skip from Your Spotify Starred List
If you’re not into music, keep scrolling. But I’m going to guess you probably are, with an equally great hunch you have a nicely stocked Starred list to prove it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been accumulating my Starred list for ages—and before finally combing through each song individually, I had more than 2,500 songs saved. It only makes sense that there were many I skipped through every time they came on via my shuffle. Hearing certain songs that maybe I liked seven years ago started sounding like nails on a chalkboard in present day. One shuffled song could change the entire dynamic of my environment. Finally, once I did a deep dive through the tracks, I was still left with a hefty selection, but at least an appealing one. It was really interesting how much of an energetic impact the mass deletion of songs had on me.
2. Rarely Used Fall Candles and Throwaway Festive Decor
If clearing energy during fall is your goal, this is a prime place to start. We all have a box (or huge bucket, depending on your devotion to the season) full of fall decor. Whether it be chock-full of candles, DIY paper cutout displays, string lights, Dollar Store finds or other festive knick-knacks you’ve accumulated over time, it’s not necessary to hold on to all of them. Some fall decor items can look dated over time, or they’re intended to be tossed after the season.
Of course, don’t get rid of your $150 Pottery Barn pumpkin wreath—but do get rid of those lingering candles you put off lighting each season, or the decor you never use. Unlike clothing pushed to the far end of your closet, decor isn’t something that may fit you a year from now. You’ll be surprised how much space and energy you free up when you do a deep decor dive and toss the crap you don’t need!

3. Undergarments and Athleisure
We’re always quick to get rid of clothes hanging in our closet, but how often do we dispose of undergarments and athleisure? They’re easy items to hold on to because they don’t typically take up much space and we think about them a lot less. But I got to the point where I’d keep a certain item “in case of emergency,” but when the so-called emergency came around, I totally dreaded wearing what was left in that stash. So, finally, when I embarked on my “fall cleaning,” I knew the time had come to dispose of undergarments that were either too small or destroyed by the washing machine; and athleisure that was dated, frumpy or simply didn’t make me want to work out.
Once I got rid of those aforementioned belongings, I no longer felt like I had lingering junk to sort through every time I want to work out or get ready in the morning. Naturally, your energy changes when you feel confident about your intimates or in tight-fitting looks.
Now that your energy is cleared, celebrate with some seasonal sips! HERE are the best Instagram captions for all your fall cocktail pics.